Smokeless Cigarette’s Holder Designes01
Akihiro Kumagaya Design
As an extensional behavior of smelling cigar smoke, I came to think of the action of breathing in the forest.Since tobacco belongs to eggplant family, I collected twigs and logs to study how to breathe in the forest.Taking the familiar form of wooden pipe and reminding the way of smoking with a pipe, this holder is made of raw wood and rough timber that smell even wilder. The lasting scent of the wood and its texture reminds that of real wood and makes one feel like smoking the scent directly from the wood.
熊谷 彰博
1984年東京生まれ。新しい体験をつくる仕事。物事の奥に潜む目的を探り達成させる上で、コンセプトワーク・デザイン・ディレクションなど柔軟に参画する。主な仕事にオリンパス純正カメラバッグ「CBG-2」、KDDI iida LIFESTYLE PRODUCTS 「Design Sheet」「EHON TRAY」、渋谷ヒカリエ Creative Lounge MOV 「aiiima」アートディレクションなど。
Born in 1984 in Tokyo, Kumagaya’s flexible range of works including concept making, design, and direction create new experiences. Throughout his works,Kumagaya seeks to identify real purpose of things hidden behind the front scene. Major works include “CBG-2” camera bag for Olympus, KDDI iida LIFESTYLE PRODUCTS, Design Sheet, EHON TRAY, Art direction for ”aiiima” in Creative Lounge MOV at Shibuya Hikarie.
Daily fashion styling and coordination is made up according to weather and TPO in addition to the spice of one’s knowledge and skill of styling.We at ÉDIFICE identify such daily styling ritual as playing with dice and made it our product motif. Picking your necktie or styling for next holiday destination according to the face of dicing. Why don’t you enjoy casting the dice of life?
Fashion and lifestyle house for style conscious males offering wide range of style from daily casual to formal dressing: Comforting style with an edge is reflected in store interior, where high quality products and customer care create the house’s own elegance for savvy grown males.
Jin Kuramoto Design
This is a story created by three tools having different characters. Many stories, comics, and animations feature a unit of 3 characters. Maybe this is because 3 is the minimum number that creates infinite development of the story. I created 3 characters out of the same purpose, material, and making condition.
倉本 仁
1976年兵庫県淡路島生まれ。金沢美術工芸大学を卒業の後、家電メーカー勤務を経て、2008年JIN KURAMOTO STUDIOを設立。家具や家電製品、日用品等の製品開発を中心に国内外のクライアントにデザインを提供している。IF Design賞、Good Design賞等、受賞多数。
Born in 1976 in Awaji, Hyogo and graduated from Kanazawa College of Art, Kuramoto worked at a home electronic manufacturer before establishing JIN KURAMOTO STUDIO in 2008. Kuramoto’s works include product development of furniture, home electronics, and utilities for both international and domestic clients. Received many prominent awards including IF Design Award and Good Design Award.