Smokeless Cigarette’s Holder Designes04
Designed to fit on personal desk or table at office like an objet, the unique and funny shape of this holder reminds us of the figure of smoke or bubble-gum, letting us enjoy watching while at work. The mouthpiece is permanently positioned to face up by setting a weight on the edge of the case to make it like a weighted toy tumbler.
鈴野浩一と禿真哉により2004年に設立。建築の設計をはじめ、ショップのインテリアデザイン、展覧会の会場構成、プロダクトデザイン、空間インスタレーションやムービー制作への参加など多岐に渡り、建築的な思考をベースに取り組んでいる。主な作品に「テンプレート イン クラスカ」「NIKE1LOVE」「ブーリアン」「港北の住宅」「空気の器」など。「光の織機(Canon Milano Salone 2011)」は、会期中の最も優れた展示としてエリータデザインアワード最優秀賞に選ばれた。2011年「空気の器の本」、作品集
「TORAFU ARCHITECTS 2004-2011 トラフ建築設計事務所のアイデアとプロセス」 (ともに美術出版社)、2012年絵本「トラフの小さな都市計画」(平凡社)を刊行。
Founded in 2004 by Koichi Suzuno and Shinya Kamuro, TORAFU ARCHITECTS employs a working approach based on architectural thinking. Works by the duo include a diverse range of products, from architectural design to interior design for shops, exhibition space design, product design, spatial installations and film making. Amongst some of their mains works are ‘TEMPLATE IN CLASKA’, ‘NIKE 1LOVE’, ‘BOOLEAN’, ‘HOUSE IN KOHOKU’ and ‘airvase’ . ‘Light Loom (Canon Milano Salone 2011)’ was awarded the Grand Prize of the Elita Design Award. Published in 2011were the ‘airvase book’ and ‘TORAFU ARCHITECTS 2004-2011 Idea + Process’ (by BIJUTSU SHUPPAN-SHA CO., LTD.) and in 2012, a picture book titled ‘TORAFU’s Small City Planning’ (by Heibonsha Limited).
Yota Kakuda Design
Functional ability of a pen is added to smoke-free cigarette: A clip to stick in one’s pocket and a holder for the cap to be attached to the bottom part.
1979年、仙台市生まれ。2003年、渡英し安積伸&朋子やロス・ラブグローブの事務所で経験を積む。2007年、ロイヤル・カレッジ・オブ・アート(RCA)デザインプロダクト学科を文化庁・新進芸術家海外留学制度の奨学生として修了。2008年に帰国後、無印良品のプロダクトデザイナーを経て、2011年、自らのデザインスタジオ、YOTA KAKUDA DESIGNを設立。国内外のクライアントを持ち、様々な分野のデザインを手がける。
Born 1979 in Japan, Kakuda moved to London in 2003, where he gained experience at design studios including Shin and Tomoko Azumi and Ross Lovegrove, and earned his MA at Royal College of Art, Design Products under Ron Arad and Kenneth Grange, on scholarship from the Japanese government. He returned to Tokyo in 2008 and joined MUJI as a product designer. In 2011 he established YOTA KAKUDA DESIGN in Tokyo, where he works in a variety of design fields, for both international and domestic clients.